Gardening Tips

We arrive at January and a new year with the promise of new beginnings and the journey towards spring. We are still very much in the grip of winter and the the outlook is mixed with crisp frosts and damp, wet weather forecast. The garden is still dormant, but towards the end of January signs of life will begin to emerge from established bulbs like crocus, cyclamen, and snowdrops.

For gardening jobs, there’s plenty to do! It’s the time to tidy up and start planning for the year ahead, with the time to plant seeds and beautiful summer bulbs very close, as well as thinking about what seed potatoes to buy. Read on for more ideas below.

Garden Tidy Up

Now is the time to start tidying up a bit on an ongoing basis. Clean up any gathered soggy piles of leaves, moss and algae from areas like decking, patios, and paving. 


It will soon be the time to give your plants, trees, and shrubs a hard prune to get them ready for the growing season ahead. Additionally, check for any parts that are showing signs of disease or damage and cut these away too. 

Keep Helping Garden Birds

The garden might be quieter, but it’s still full of life! Make sure your bird feeders, birdhouses, and water sources are clean and regularly topped up. Garden birds and other wildlife rely heavily on these resources during the lean winter months. A thoughtfully placed birdhouse and wildlife shelter can also offer much-needed protection for a variety of visitors.

Garden birds need our help in the winter, especially when freezing temperatures come. This freezes many of their usual water spots and so they’ll need water. Put out some lukewarm water daily in a plastic saucer. They will benefit from extra food too, particularly those high in energy like suet fat balls or pellets, and peanuts.

Lawn Care

You should try your best to avoid walking on your lawn whenever it is covered in a heavy frost or snow as this will damage the grass beneath.


Undoubtedly there will be some tough weeds that have somehow survived and grown through winter so far. Remove any you see from your beds and borders.


Planning is what January is for in gardening terms, mixed with a good amount of temptation in the form of all the fabulous summer flowering bulbs and tubers you could have. It may be too early to plant them just yet, but it is never too soon to dream of warm summer days and the sheer blast of colour offered by lilies, dahlias, chrysanthemums, gladioli and a host of other glamorous subjects.

So, make some time and plan garden makeovers, structural projects and major planting schemes. 

Clean Your Tools 

With the onset of a busy year in the garden ahead make sure to clean your tools thoroughly. Wipe them down, remove soil and debris, disinfect and allow them to dry completely. Then they’ll be ready for action again when spring arrives.

Seed Potatoes

Buy your seed potatoes and chit them by placing them in a box or some egg cartons in a cool, frost- free spot with good natural light.